Posted by: Arden Compton | February 5, 2016

Misery in Pleasure

It is interesting that when a person allows the pleasure center of the brain to control their life it leads to misery. I believe there are forces of darkness that desire to make us miserable. One of the ways they lead us into miserable circumstances is by promising to give us pleasure. We are tempted to satisfy our physical appetites, to make that our number one priority. But the more we we yield to these physical appetites, appeasing the pleasure center of the brain with fleeting pleasure, the more we become a slave to these appetites, which robs of true joy. The more we take control of these appetites, instead of letting them control us, the greater potential there is for a purposeful, meaningful, happy life. The world teaches us to give in to our appetites, to indulge our appetites, promising that we will be happy. It is so ironic that when we allow the pleasure center of the brain to be our master, it leads us to be enslaved in misery.

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